「我就是我,我只會做自己」演活出新時代女性:茉莉公主Naomi Scott7句人生哲理

「我就是我,我只會做自己」演活出新時代女性:茉莉公主Naomi Scott7句人生哲理

By karalau on 27 May 2019

美國迪士尼公司早期上映了《美女與野獸Beauty and the Beast》,其精彩感人的劇情為觀眾留下深刻的回憶,兩年後,推出了同樣充滿著愛與奇幻的歌舞電影真人版《阿拉丁Aladdin》,除了電影中「燈神」Will Smith一角讓人感期待外,飾演女主角「茉莉公主」的Naomi Scott亦同樣受到大眾的關注,故事中茉莉公主不但充滿自信和喜歡冒險,更是非常有主見,而成功在二千多位來自世界各地的演員中,突圍而出當選的Naomi Scott,原來是一位很有主見的演員。

Pinterest Photo from Pinterest

naomigscott@InstagramPhoto from naomigscott@Instagram

Naomi Scott 早前因出演美版電影《Power Rangers:戰龍覺醒》(Power Rangers)而為人所知,而在現實中,她是一位很有自己一套想法的女生,其實早在她為電影《阿拉丁Aladdin》試鏡時,曾向製作單位表明自己對茉莉公主一角的抱負,以及會想將茉莉公主這一角演譯成一位成熟,而不是柔弱的女性,並直言:「讓我告訴你,我想將茉莉公主的堅強演譯出來;如果這不是你想要的,沒關係,但這角色不適合我。」(“Just to let you know, I want to play her strong, and if that’s not what you’re looking for, that’s OK, but it’s not for me”)

naomigscott@InstagramPhoto from naomigscott@Instagram

naomigscott@InstagramPhoto from naomigscott@Instagram

雖然面對「茉莉公主」一角如此大競爭,但Naomi Scott並沒有因此而委屈自己,反而意志堅定的堅持著自己的信念,最終憑著以下7句人生哲理,為茉莉公主建立出一種具自覺的新時代女性形象。

naomigscott@InstagramPhoto from naomigscott@Instagram

1. I’m my own person. You can’t generalise about people.
我就是我。 你無法將「人」概括而言。

naomigscott@InstagramPhoto from naomigscott@Instagram

2. No one’s perfect. I’m just going to be myself.
沒有人是完美的, 我只會做自己。

naomigscott@InstagramPhoto from naomigscott@Instagram

3. All of us, although we may have a label attached to us, that’s not who we are.

naomigscott@InstagramPhoto from naomigscott@Instagram

4. Don’t let expertise fool you into seeing false boundaries or underestimating those with wild dreams.

naomigscott@InstagramPhoto from naomigscott@Instagram

5. You only fail when you give up.

naomigscott@InstagramPhoto from naomigscott@Instagram

6. If you don’t know much about the field, you’re able to ask a set of questions that an expert would never ask, and that allows you a very different thought process and a fresh approach.

naomigscott@InstagramPhoto from naomigscott@Instagram

7. I’m taking it a step at a time and making sure I’m constantly growing.

naomigscott@InstagramPhoto from naomigscott@Instagram

Text:POPLADY Editorial
Photo Source:naomigscott@Instagram,Pinterest

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