漂亮的春季鞋來了:PUMA攜手韓國品牌GLOWNY推浪漫芭蕾鞋 、Jennie同款adidas Taekwondo也有芭蕾款

漂亮的春季鞋來了:PUMA攜手韓國品牌GLOWNY推浪漫芭蕾鞋 、Jennie同款adidas Taekwondo也有芭蕾款

Fashion Bags & Shoes
By Roxanne on 21 Feb 2025
Digital Editor
POPLADY時尚編輯 負責時尚、美妝、珠寶、生活、美食、影劇、文化潮流 Color my life with chaos of trouble. roxanne.lee@poplady-mag.com




Puma Mostro Power & GracePhoto from IG@@musinsa.official

Puma Mostro Power & GracePhoto from IG@@musinsa.official

Puma Mostro Power & GracePhoto from IG@@musinsa.official

Puma Mostro Power & GracePhoto from IG@@musinsa.official

Puma Mostro Power & GracePhoto from IG@@musinsa.official

Puma Mostro Power & GracePhoto from IG@@musinsa.official

Puma Mostro Power & GracePhoto from IG@@musinsa.official

Puma Mostro Power & GracePhoto from IG@@musinsa.official

Puma Mostro Power & GracePhoto from IG@@musinsa.official

Puma先前延續復古風,以品牌經典賽車鞋款為原型推出Speedcat OG,還邀請BLACKPINK Rosé穿上紅色及棕色,結合黑色與粉色的新款,既時髦又充滿少女感,立刻成為潮流愛好者的心頭好。後續瞄準1999年推出、鞋款命名源自於義大利語的「怪物」的經典賽車鞋Mostro推出復刻款,近期又攜手韓星韓韶禧、Jennie、Rosé的愛牌Glowny合作,推出Mostro Power & Grace鞋。

Puma Mostro Power & GracePhoto from Puma

Puma Mostro Power & GracePhoto from Puma

Puma Mostro Power & GracePhoto from Puma

Puma Mostro Power & GracePhoto from Puma

Puma Mostro Power & GracePhoto from Puma

Puma Mostro Power & GracePhoto from Puma

Puma Mostro Power & GracePhoto from Puma

Puma Mostro Power & GracePhoto from Puma

Puma Mostro Power & GracePhoto from Puma


adidas Taekwondo MEI Ballet

adidas Taekwondo MEI BalletPhoto from IG@adidaskr

adidas Taekwondo MEI BalletPhoto from IG@adidaskr

adidas Taekwondo MEI BalletPhoto from IG@adidaskr

adidas Taekwondo MEI BalletPhoto from IG@adidaskr

adidas Taekwondo MEI BalletPhoto from IG@adidaskr

adidas Originals設計的「Jennie 同款」薄底鞋Taekwondo爆紅,原型來自跆拳道訓練鞋,俐落的鞋身輪廓以及圓頭設計,舒適包覆腳型又充滿彈性。搭上芭蕾舞鞋的風潮,韓國adidas Originals也推出更貼近芭蕾設計的新款。同色調交叉繫帶讓整體保持簡約又能為造型增添變化,柔軟的皮革鞋面提供舒適的貼合度,堅固的橡膠外底提供穩定的抓地力。韓元₩139,000(約HK$753)

Kiko Kostadinov LELLA HYBRID

Kiko Kostadinov LELLA HYBRIDPhoto from Kiko Kostadinov

Kiko Kostadinov LELLA HYBRIDPhoto from Kiko Kostadinov

Kiko Kostadinov LELLA HYBRIDPhoto from Kiko Kostadinov

Kiko Kostadinov LELLA HYBRIDPhoto from Kiko Kostadinov


Dr.Martens Elphie II Iridescent Leather Ballet Flats芭蕾舞皮鞋

Dr.Martens Elphie II Iridescent Leather Ballet Flats芭蕾舞皮鞋Photo from Dr.Martens

Dr.Martens Elphie II Iridescent Leather Ballet Flats芭蕾舞皮鞋Photo from Dr.Martens

Dr.Martens Elphie II Iridescent Leather Ballet Flats芭蕾舞皮鞋Photo from Dr.Martens

Dr.Martens Elphie II Iridescent Leather Ballet Flats芭蕾舞皮鞋Photo from Dr.Martens

Dr.Martens Elphie II Iridescent Leather Ballet Flats芭蕾舞皮鞋Photo from Dr.Martens

Dr.Martens Elphie II Iridescent Leather Ballet Flats芭蕾舞皮鞋Photo from Dr.Martens


Roger Vivier Belle Vivier皮革芭蕾舞鞋

Roger Vivier Belle Vivier皮革芭蕾舞鞋Photo from Roger Vivier

Roger Vivier Belle Vivier皮革芭蕾舞鞋Photo from Roger Vivier

Roger Vivier芭蕾舞以納帕皮革製成,鞋纖細的輪廓在後跟採用彈性鞋口鑲邊,其設計靈感源自古典芭蕾舞,巨大的飾扣設計展現奢華氣質,可供選擇的顏色包括春天般的亮粉紅色和別緻的黑、米色單色,散發青春活力十足的氛圍。HK$7,900

Repetto Sophia Belt 芭蕾平底鞋

Repetto Sophia Belt 芭蕾平底鞋Photo from Repetto

Repetto Sophia Belt 芭蕾平底鞋Photo from Repetto

Repetto Sophia Belt 芭蕾平底鞋Photo from Repetto

Repetto Sophia Belt 芭蕾平底鞋Photo from Repetto

Repetto Sophia Belt 芭蕾平底鞋Photo from Repetto

Repetto Sophia芭蕾平底鞋將絲帶換成了皮帶和金屬扣,增添了帥氣的搖滾造型,Sophia Belt的鞋底帶有橢圓形橡膠鞋底,確保了支撐性和舒適性,也帶來了一絲古典舞蹈的氣息,營造出優雅而獨特的外觀。€265(約HK$2,157)



Text:POPLADY Editorial

Photo Source:Dr.Martens、Roger Vivier、Kiko Kostadinov、Puma、IG@adidaskr、Repetto

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