舒服可愛,一舉兩得:Ambush × UGG加入了毛茸茸元素Mary Jane、巴黎品牌Coperni推出宛如怪物腳掌的五指款

舒服可愛,一舉兩得:Ambush × UGG加入了毛茸茸元素Mary Jane、巴黎品牌Coperni推出宛如怪物腳掌的五指款

Fashion Bags & Shoes
By Roxanne on 19 Feb 2025
Digital Editor
POPLADY時尚編輯 負責時尚、美妝、珠寶、生活、美食、影劇、文化潮流 Color my life with chaos of trouble. roxanne.lee@poplady-mag.com

Mary Jane以及芭蕾舞鞋的風潮持續蔓延,除了結合蕾絲、緞帶等元素的Balletcore芭蕾舞風、復古機能款,各品牌也加強力道推出新款Mary Jane鞋款抓住時髦人士的心。先前UGG推出純真可愛的Mary Jane「Bea Mary Jane 」,近期攜手Ambush推出2025年新聯名系列加入了毛茸茸的元素,誕生於法國巴黎的小眾品牌Coperni則是推出宛如怪物腳掌的五指款式,融入了獨特的前衛美學,為穿搭帶來鮮活靈動的氛圍。


Ambush × UGG毛茸茸Mary Jane

Ambush × UGG毛茸茸Mary JanePhoto from UGG

Ambush × UGG毛茸茸Mary JanePhoto from UGG

Ambush × UGG毛茸茸Mary JanePhoto from UGG

Ambush × UGG毛茸茸Mary JanePhoto from UGG

Ambush × UGG毛茸茸Mary JanePhoto from UGG

Ambush × UGG毛茸茸Mary JanePhoto from UGG

Ambush × UGG毛茸茸Mary JanePhoto from UGG

Ambush × UGG毛茸茸Mary JanePhoto from UGG

Ambush × UGG毛茸茸Mary JanePhoto from UGG

Ambush × UGG毛茸茸Mary JanePhoto from UGG

Ambush × UGG毛茸茸Mary JanePhoto from UGG

以Mary Jane鞋作為基調,圓頭設計加上寬版扣帶,銀色愛心的扣飾帶入少女感。黑色的鞋款在整個鞋身外觀都覆蓋上白色、粉色長毛元素,露出些許黑色皮革鞋頭賦予了鞋款Ambush叛逆又前衛美學,彷彿讓整個人都被包裹在溫暖的毛毛之中,替冬天冰冷的雙腳保溫。

Ambush × UGG Loafers鞋

Ambush × UGG毛茸茸loafersPhoto from UGG

Ambush × UGG毛茸茸loafersPhoto from UGG

Ambush × UGG毛茸茸loafersPhoto from UGG

Ambush × UGG毛茸茸Mary JanePhoto from UGG

Ambush × UGG毛茸茸loafersPhoto from UGG

Ambush × UGG毛茸茸loafersPhoto from UGG

Ambush × UGG毛茸茸loafersPhoto from UGG

除了毛茸茸Mary Jane款式,新款聯名還推出Loafers鞋款,Ambush × UGG Loafers鞋採用蓬鬆的異色長毛絨,鞋面以及鞋墊鋪上柔軟的長毛,帶來了新的感官和觸覺,吸睛效果十足,可拆卸的毛絨後跟讓穿脫也更方便。Ambush × UGG聯名款於 2月21日於雙方官方網站正式發售,Loafers鞋款售價為US$225(約HK$1,749),Mary Jane售價為US$250(約HK$1,944),心動的讀者不妨親自選購。

Coperni五指Five-Toe Ballerina Belt Flat

Coperni五指Five-Toe Ballerina Belt FlatPhoto from Coperni

Coperni五指Five-Toe Ballerina Belt FlatPhoto from Coperni

Coperni五指Five-Toe Ballerina Belt FlatPhoto from Coperni

Coperni五指Five-Toe Ballerina Belt FlatPhoto from Coperni

Coperni五指Five-Toe Ballerina Belt FlatPhoto from Coperni

Coperni五指Five-Toe Ballerina Belt FlatPhoto from Coperni



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