

Celebrities News
By Sonia on 09 Sep 2022
Digital Editor
POPLADY Fashion Editor 💌soniachanghsin@gmail.com

英女王伊利沙伯二世(Elizabeth II、台譯:伊麗莎白二世)是英國歷史上在位時間最久的君主。生於1926年,在1952年繼位,26歲進行加冕儀式成伊利沙伯二世。而過去多次傳出英國女王身體的狀況欠佳,在英國時間9月8日經過皇室官方的宣布,伊利沙伯二世安詳辭世於英國巴爾莫勒爾城堡,享耆壽96歲。

英女王伊利沙伯二世享耆壽96歲。Photo from IG@theroyalfamily



英女王的力量凝聚人民。Photo from IG@theroyalfamily



從小就被形容為聰明、獨立、謙虛,美麗的伊利沙伯二世。Photo from IG@theroyalfamily

謙虛的笑容,智慧的女王。Photo from IG@theroyalfamily


“I have to be seen to be believed.”

「我必須被人民看見,才能被相信。」Photo from IG@theroyalfamily


"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom."

「別對自己太嚴苛!世上沒有人通曉一切智慧。」Photo from IG@theroyalfamily


“It's all to do with the training: you can do a lot if you're properly trained.”

「凡事皆與訓練有關:若擁有完善的訓練,一個人可以成就許多事。」Photo from IG@theroyalfamily


"Prince Philip is, I believe, well-known for declining compliments of any kind. But throughout he has been a constant strength and guide."

「我知道菲利浦親王不喜歡接受讚美,但一直以來他都是指引我方向、給我力量的人。」Photo from IG@theroyalfamily


“Over the years, those who have seemed to me to be the most happy, contented and fulfilled have always been the people who have lived the most outgoing and unselfish lives.“

「這些年來,在我看來過得最幸福、最滿足、最充實的人,都是最開朗、最無私慷慨的人。」Photo from IG@theroyalfamily


“Everyone is our neighbor, no matter what race, creed or colour."

「每個人都是我們的同胞,不因種族、信仰或膚色有區別。」Photo from IG@theroyalfamily


"It has been women who have breathed gentleness and care into the harsh progress of mankind."

「女性為人類的艱苦過程,注入了溫柔和關懷。」Photo from IG@theroyalfamily


“Perhaps we make too much of what is wrong and too little of what is right. The trouble with gloom is that it feeds upon itself and depression causes more depression."

「也許我們總是把重點放在哪裡做錯了,而忽略也有做對的事。黑暗就是這樣自行茁壯,而憂鬱會導致更多的憂鬱。」Photo from IG@theroyalfamily


"It has always been easy to hate and destroy. To build and to cherish is much more difficult."

「去建立關係並珍惜,比起厭惡與破壞本就困難許多。」Photo from IG@theroyalfamily


“It's worth remembering that it is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change."

「值得記住的是,帶來最持久的變化往往是微小的一步,而不是巨大的改革。」Photo from IG@theroyalfamily



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