隨身提著走的可愛馬卡龍:Miu Miu全新迷你尺寸Matelassé手提包,令少女們一見傾心!

隨身提著走的可愛馬卡龍:Miu Miu全新迷你尺寸Matelassé手提包,令少女們一見傾心!

Fashion Bags & Shoes
By Sonia on 25 Aug 2022
Digital Editor
POPLADY Fashion Editor 💌soniachanghsin@gmail.com

Miu Miu近期成大熱關鍵詞,性感與學院風的交會點中,找到本季屬於Miu Miu極具識別度的服裝與手袋。隨便一逛都能見到時尚博主詮釋Miu Miu單品的風貌,而如果再說起經典的元素,優雅的Matelassé納帕軟皮,褶皺的效果,是不可或缺的設計。至今變奏了許多不同的手袋,包括全新登場的迷你Matelassé Nappa Leather Top-Handle Mini-Bag。

Matelassé Nappa Leather Top-Handle Bag形象廣告照。Photo from Miu Miu


Matelassé Nappa Leather Top-Handle Mini-Bag-Photo from Miu Miu

褶皺效果的Matelassé納帕軟皮。Photo from Miu Miu

模特兒演繹Matelassé Nappa Leather Top-Handle Mini-Bag-White。Photo from Miu Miu

Matelassé Nappa Leather Top-Handle Mini-Bag-WhitePhoto from Miu Miu

迷你版本的Matelassé Nappa Leather手挽袋。Photo from Miu Miu

近幾季Miu Miu的設計持續在時尚界蔓延,稍早推出的Miu Wonder bag也成為今季的焦點款之一,把經典的皮革紐曲成柔軟輕奢華的紋理,展示有別以往的外觀形象。品牌再次抓住復古的精髓,重溫經典的標誌,打造出迷你版本的Matelassé Nappa Leather手提包。


Matelassé Nappa Leather Top-Handle Mini-Bag-Cornflower BluePhoto from Miu Miu

呈現出介於正裝與休閒之間的時尚品味。Photo from Miu Miu

Matelassé Nappa Leather Top-Handle Mini-Bag-BlackPhoto from Miu Miu

大小為寬15.3cm×高10.3cm×長4.5cm。Photo from Miu Miu



模特兒演繹Matelassé Nappa Leather Top-Handle Mini-Bag-Sky Mordure。Photo from Miu Miu

Matelassé Nappa Leather Top-Handle Mini-Bag-Sky MordurePhoto from Miu Miu

內部以棉質綢緞襯裡打造而成。Photo from Miu Miu

Matelassé Nappa Leather Top-Handle Mini-Bag-PyritePhoto from Miu Miu

附有1個隔層。Photo from Miu Miu

模特兒演繹Matelassé Nappa Leather Top-Handle Mini-Bag-Pink Mordore'。Photo from Miu Miu

Matelassé Nappa Leather Top-Handle Mini-Bag-Pink Mordore'Photo from Miu Miu

小巧的樣子利用高級的細節點亮手袋。Photo from Miu Miu

Matelassé納帕軟皮迷你手挽袋,大小為寬15.3cm×高10.3cm×長4.5cm,採用納帕軟皮製作而成,手柄以皮革呈現,中心綴上Miu Miu金屬字母標誌,並且以拉鍊作為開合。雖然是迷你尺寸,但在製作工藝上也沒有馬乎,以棉質綢緞襯裡打造而成,附有1個隔層,小巧的樣子利用高級的細節點亮手袋。HK$14,600


模特兒演繹Plexiglas and Nappa Leather Mini Top-Handle Bag-Mordure Fern。Photo from Miu Miu

Plexiglas and Nappa Leather Mini Top-Handle Bag-Mordure FernPhoto from Miu Miu

樹脂玻璃膠和納帕皮革打造而成的版本。Photo from Miu Miu

模特兒演繹Plexiglas and Nappa Leather Mini Top-Handle Bag-Pink Mordore'。Photo from Miu Miu

Plexiglas and Nappa Leather Mini Top-Handle Bag-Pink Mordore'Photo from Miu Miu

透明感兼具現代又優雅。Photo from Miu Miu

模特兒演繹Plexiglas and Nappa Leather Mini Top-Handle Bag-Sky Mordure。Photo from Miu Miu

Plexiglas and Nappa Leather Mini Top-Handle Bag-Sky MordurePhoto from Miu Miu

螢光的馬卡龍色調。Photo from Miu Miu



Text:POPLADY Editorial

Photo Source:Miu Miu

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