「當你假裝微笑時,其他人也是在假裝微笑」:《Broke Girls》經典金句,每一句都道出夠酸的現實人生!

「當你假裝微笑時,其他人也是在假裝微笑」:《Broke Girls》經典金句,每一句都道出夠酸的現實人生!

Lifestyle Movie & Drama
By Sonia on 01 Jul 2021
Digital Editor
POPLADY Fashion Editor 💌soniachanghsin@gmail.com

每一個年代都有一部深入人心的經典美劇,於2011年開播便紅到第六季結束的《Broke Girls》(患難姊妹花,台譯:破產姐妹花),伶牙俐齒又毒舌的哲理整整陪伴了我們六年。故事背景在紐約布魯克林,破產千金Caroline遇上厭世的Max,兩位女主角為了開店的夢想在苦澀的都市打工生活著。六年來,她們為了理想生活,為了生存,對失敗無所畏懼的態度,咄咄逼人的能量,好似人生一切都難不倒她們。而夢想歸夢想,現實終究是現實,兩人精明能幹,對於人生的吐漕當然不能少,每句話不僅有道理還句句真實到位!你,也是在追求夢想的路上嗎?

Broke GirlsPhoto from Broke Girls

“I’m too poor to have any fear of success.”——Max

Broke GirlsPhoto from Broke Girls

“Life is so funny sometimes.Just when you think you’re better than someone…you’re not!”——Caroline

Broke GirlsPhoto from Broke Girls

“You need to react when people cry!”——Caroline
“I did,I rolled my eyes.”-Max

Broke GirlsPhoto from Broke Girls

“I just think society is way too concerned with other people’s ideas of what is pretty.”——Max

Broke GirlsPhoto from Broke Girls

“This is who I am. Nobody says you have to like it.”——Max

Broke GirlsPhoto from Broke Girls

“My life's not a romantic comedy, I can do it my own way.”——Caroline

Broke GirlsPhoto from Broke Girls

“The only thing harder than building a business is finding love.”——Caroline

Broke GirlsPhoto from Broke Girls

“Sometime you do something you're not comfortable with. It's how you grow.”——Caroline

Broke GirlsPhoto from Broke Girls

“When you fake smile, everybody else fake smiles back.”——Han

Broke GirlsPhoto from Broke Girls

“I’m your B.F.F. : Your Broke Friend Forever.”——Max

Broke GirlsPhoto from Broke Girls

看來從《Broke Girls》裡面,沒有什麼是不可能的,儘管失去一切的Caroline永不放棄的精神,Max不屈服於自己的命運,夠酸的人生當然要配上夠犀利的反駁!

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