濃濃復古味道的Chanel Vanity case,下個手袋就買它了!

濃濃復古味道的Chanel Vanity case,下個手袋就買它了!

Fashion Accessories Bags & Shoes
By PopLady on 19 Jan 2018

Chanel有數不盡的手袋款式,除了自推出以來一直斷貨的Gabrielle流浪包之外,深得人心的還有它—Vanity case

ChanelPhoto from Chanel

ChanelPhoto from Chanel

今次要說的主角是Vanity case,這款手袋的外型四四方方酷像一個箱子,配以皮革手挽和鏈條,帶著濃濃的復古味道。這款手袋初推出的時候,是用以品牌最經典的黑、白、米色,經典配色加上復古的外型份外配合,美麗得很,因此好快就深得大量女生的喜好。

PinterestPhoto from Pinterest

PinterestPhoto from Pinterest

PinterestPhoto from Pinterest

因為Vanity case深受歡迎,所以自推出以來每季都會出現新色或新款。繼在去年中推出迷你尺寸外,今季更加入Chanel經典斜紋毛呢Tweed質料的元素,讓手袋變得更獨特更具Chanel味道。

Vanity case HK$37,300

ChanelPhoto from Chanel

ChanelPhoto from Chanel

Vanity case HK$34,700

ChanelPhoto from Chanel

ChanelPhoto from Chanel

Vanity case HK$37,500

ChanelPhoto from Chanel

ChanelPhoto from Chanel

Vanity case HK$33,700

ChanelPhoto from Chanel

ChanelPhoto from Chanel

Vanity case HK$29,100

ChanelPhoto from Chanel

然而除了採用了Tweed的質料外,今季更為Vanity case的外型推出Clutch With Chain的款式。兩者之間最大的分別就是少了手挽帶,小巧可愛,如果用膩了Wallet On Chain不妨考慮購入這個Clutch With Chain喔!

Clutch with chain HK$21,000

ChanelPhoto from Chanel

ChanelPhoto from Chanel

ChanelPhoto from Chanel


ChanelPhoto from Chanel

Text:POPLADY Editorial
Photo source:Pinterest、Chanel

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