「縱使我受傷了,也請讓下一位女孩幸福」雖然Selina Gomez心痛,依然祝福Justin Bieber新女友
Selena Gomez和Justin Bieber離離合合,男方曾因為Selena面對生死關頭而意識到她的重要,重新展開追求。但愛情這回事,就是你永遠都猜不透。曾以為死亡的接近能讓這兩口子彼此更重視,最後也避不過分手的結局。
Photo from Pinterest
在他們分手數月後,Justin Bieber和前女友Hailey Baldwin被拍到在街上高調擁吻,也正式讓大家知道他們真正復合。
Photo from Instagram @gomezbieberdayli
Photo from SPLASH NEWS
曾為Justin傷心欲絕的Selena,也沒有因他的新戀情有所不憤。反而希望Justin好好珍惜這位女生,認真地談這場戀愛,並希望Hailey得到自己未能擁有的幸福。就此,外媒這樣寫道:「Selena knows better than anyone how challenging it can be to maintain a relationship with Justin. She wishes Justin the best and hopes he does not break Hailey’s heart by quickly losing interest」身為過來人的她,明明白白知道和Justin一起的困難,卻大方地祝福Hailey不會像她一樣心碎。
Photo from Pinterest
雖然身在歐洲的Selena大方地祝福,但知情人士透露Selena對於他倆復合的消息依然有強烈感覺;縱使,他們已完全斷絕來往:「Selena is sad things are the way they are between her and Justin because despite everything, she still has strong feelings for him」
Photo from Instagram @selenagomez
Photo from Pinterest
Text:POPLADY Editorial
Photo Source:SLASH NEWS、Instagram、Pinterest