沒眼花!只需三位數,就可擁有冬季至潮thin-heeled sock boots!

沒眼花!只需三位數,就可擁有冬季至潮thin-heeled sock boots!

By PopLady on 23 Nov 2017

要知道本季最流行的潮流單品,除了留意一線名牌runway的模特兒外,天橋下參與時裝秀的潮人衣著也是重點呢!今個冬季,出現率最高的必定要數這款靴––thin-heeled sock boots(幼跟襪管靴)!

Thin-heeled sock boots除了夠時髦外,它的設計穿起來更能突顯女性曲線。幼鞋跟能夠讓女生走路時婀娜多姿,配合貼腳的襪管設計可以拉長雙腿比例,無論是配襯長褲或裙子同樣適合。以裙子相配,輕易就可以穿出女人味來!亦可配襯永恆經典skinny jeans,來個簡單的mix and match同樣美。

PinterestPhoto from Pinterest

PinterestPhoto from Pinterest

PinterestPhoto from Pinterest

不少的潮流單品總是由大牌子興起,Thin-heeled sock boots亦不例外,完全被Balenciaga、Vetement捧得熱哄哄。

PinterestPhoto from Pinterest

PinterestPhoto from Pinterest

thin-heeled sock boots就算缺了大牌logo也好,只要穿起這雙靴,整個潮流就由你來帶領了!以下為你們介紹多雙不用一千元的thin-heeled sock boots,不用費神照著買就可以了!

Zalora.comPhoto from Zalora.com

Twenty Eight Shoes socking pointy toe boots 281 $329

Zara.comPhoto from Zara.com

Zara saint ankle boots with slogan $449

Zalora.comPhoto from Zalora.com

Dorothy Perkins silver marni kitten boots $450

Mango.comPhoto from Mango.com

Mango heel sock boots $499

Zara.comPhoto from Zara.com

Zara point pin heel ankle boots with contrasting detail $599


Text: POPLADY Editorial
Photo source: Pinterest、Zara、Zalora、Mango

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