華麗又前衛讓人著迷不已的設計:Repetto × Noir Kei Ninomiya,絕美瑪莉珍鞋已經開賣!

華麗又前衛讓人著迷不已的設計:Repetto × Noir Kei Ninomiya,絕美瑪莉珍鞋已經開賣!

Fashion Bags & Shoes
By Luna on 03 Oct 2023
Digital Editor

近日隨著氣溫的變化,我們可以感受到秋意漸濃,繼上回與讀者們推薦的「Lace-up Boots」之外,優雅的瑪莉珍鞋也非常適合搭配在秋天的穿搭之中。這次在Noir Kei Ninomiya FW23秀場上登場的Repetto × Noir Kei Ninomiya鞋款也已經在Repetto的官網上開賣,我們能看見4款時髦的瑪莉珍鞋,厚底的設計讓你的造型更有氣勢。


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Noir Kei Ninomiya Fall-Winter 2023 Collection。Photo from Noir Kei Ninomiya

Noir Kei Ninomiya Fall-Winter 2023 Collection。Photo from Noir Kei Ninomiya

Noir Kei Ninomiya Fall-Winter 2023 Collection。Photo from Noir Kei Ninomiya


1.藏不住的甜美氣質|Repetto × Noir Kei Ninomiya - Platform Mary Janes

Platform Mary Janes。Photo from Repetto

Platform Mary Janes。Photo from Repetto

Platform Mary Janes。Photo from Repetto

Platform Mary Janes。Photo from Repetto

本次上架的這款Repetto × Noir Kei Ninomiya - Platform Mary Janes,有著甜美的設計風格,搭配上蝴蝶結點綴,還有厚底的設計,洋溢著青春氣息。品牌也推出寶寶粉、黑色的款式供你挑選。€464(約HK$3,803)

2.化身個性的搖滾甜心|Repetto × Noir Kei Ninomiya - Platform Mary Janes with Studded Strap

Platform Mary Janes with Studded Strap。Photo from Repetto

Platform Mary Janes with Studded Strap。Photo from Repetto

Platform Mary Janes with Studded Strap。Photo from Repetto

Platform Mary Janes with Studded Strap。Photo from Repetto

如果你想挑選一款更有個性的款式則是可以參考這款Repetto × Noir Kei Ninomiya - Platform Mary Janes with Studded Strap,在設計中它多了個性的元素,讓它兼具甜美與帥氣的風格。目前在官網上有推出黑色與紅色的款式。€584(約HK$4,786)

3.造型感滿分的綁帶設計|Repetto × Noir Kei Ninomiya - Platform Mary Janes with Ankle Strap

 Platform Mary Janes with Ankle Strap。Photo from Repetto

Platform Mary Janes with Ankle Strap。Photo from Repetto

在接下來的萬聖節、聖誕節、跨年的派對季節來臨之前,或許你可以先購入一款造型感十足的鞋款,讓你輕輕鬆鬆迎戰各種場合。在這次聯名款之中的這款Repetto × Noir Kei Ninomiya - Platform Mary Janes with Ankle Strap有著綁帶的設計,絕對是可以能你成為時尚焦點的款式。€969(約HK$7,942)

4.閃閃惹人愛的款式|Repetto × Noir Kei Ninomiya - Glitter Platform Mary Janes

Glitter Platform Mary Janes。Photo from Repetto

Glitter Platform Mary Janes。Photo from Repetto

Glitter Platform Mary Janes。Photo from Repetto

Glitter Platform Mary Janes。Photo from Repetto

如果你是願意嘗試更加大膽的設計,這雙多了閃閃元素的Repetto × Noir Kei Ninomiya - Glitter Platform Mary Janes,閃耀動人的款式,能成為你的下一款心頭好。它有著7公分的鞋底,特別設計成前高後高的造型,讓你在行走時更為舒適,在鞋身中的鞋帶也都設計成蝴蝶結的造型,看起來十分夢幻。不論是黑色,又或是桃紅色都是時髦的選擇。€547(約HK$4,483)

Noir Kei Ninomiya Fall 2023 Ready-to-Wear Collection。Photo from Noir Kei Ninomiya

對於喜歡瑪莉珍鞋設計的讀者,也能從這次Repetto × Noir Kei Ninomiya的鞋款中挑選心儀的設計,為你的鞋櫃增添時髦新成員。


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